Indy Region Officer Decriptions

Regional Executive and Assistant R.E. - The Regional Executive shall reside at all meetings of the members and directors, and shall perform the duties usually pertaining to this office. In absence of the Regional Executive, or in case of his resignation or inability to act, the duties usually pertaining to that office shall be performed by the Assistant Regional Executive.

Secretary - The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and officers and shall record all minutes and votes in a book kept for that purpose. He shall give all notices of meetings of the members required by law or these Bylaws and shall perform all duties incident to his office as may be required by the Board of Directors. In absence of the Secretary from any of said meetings, a Secretary pro-tempore shall be chosen by the presiding officer.

Treasurer - The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the directors, have custody of all moneys, debts, and obligations belonging to the corporation. He shall receive all moneys of the corporation and deposit same in the corporation’s account. He shall make all payments of corporation debts. All contracts, checks, drafts, notes or other orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of the corporation by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial status of the corporation at the annual meeting, and if so requested, at any other meeting of the directors. He shall have custody of the corporate seal, and the records of the corporation.

Activities Chairman -
It shall be the duty of the Activities Chairman to arrange and promote all activities of the corporation and he shall have other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Membership Chairman - The Membership Chairman shall solicit, issue, and process all new membership applications.